The Two Difference between Vintage and Current Chanel Bags👜

Hi, Gorgeous.

It looks like the same between Vintage CHANEL and Current ver. I want to explain it now.

Matrasses made some 20 years ago, known as vintages, do not differ significantly in construction compared to the current version.
However, there are two differences

i) The leather is not as plump as the current version.


Few people ask us, "Is this puffy?" to find the vintage in good condition. But it may be a misunderstanding. The vintage is not so puffy originally.


ii) Stronger yellow tone in the coating of brass fittings compared to the current product


The surface of the current model's hardware is smooth and finished. The color is also relatively light yellow.


The surfaces of the fittings are easily scratched and hard. The color is dark yellow.

Vintage doesn't change much in appearance, but there are elements that can be enjoyed along with its history. It might be fun to see if your friend's Chanel is vintage.

Thank you!

