Hi, gorgeous!
We hope you are doing well with your bag! We would like to tell you how to care your lovely bag in Summer.
Do NOT put your bag in BOX, if you buy the bag which comes with original box. In this high humidity season, we recommend you to keep bags in a well-ventilated place in order to prevent mold growth. High humidity is not good for leather, too. Please open your closet and swap air and keep the box in order to use in future. We do NOT recommend to bring the bag on a rainy day.
We recommend using our product below to keep bag good.
Handful charcoal deodorizer humidity controller eco-friendly for bags
Not exposed to direct sunlight, it makes leather fade away soon. Let's keep it in the shade. We do not recommend to bring the bag under the sun of the beach.
Enjoy your summer with the bag in good condition!